Vagas por Província

VdE | GESTOR DE PROJETO | Cmc Cooperativa Muratori e Cementisti di Ravenna


PROJECT MANAGER - Eni Agrihub Project (Mozambique)

CMC di Ravenna (website: Italian leading construction company involved in the realization of infrastructure projects in Italy and worldwide, is looking for a Project Manager for the Eni Agrihub Project: construction of 4 vegetable oil production lines, in Mozambique

The Project Manager shall supervise, plan and coordinate all aspects of the construction process from now to end, ensuring that the project is completed within time and budgetary constraints. The P.M. shall manage the project Contract with the Client and all service Contracts and Subcontractors. The P.M. has a profound knowledge of engineering, contracts, planning, cost control, human resource organization, quality, health and safety. 

Candidate’s necessary requirements:

• 10 years of proven experience as Project Manager in the realization of similar projects (civil and/or mechanical projects)

• experience in contract management and claims

• University Degree in Civil or Mechanical Engineering discipline

• Fluent English (contractual English)

• willingness to relocate in Monapo (Mozambique)

Candidate’s preferential requirements:

• Fluency in Portuguese

• Fluency in Italian

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