Vagas por Província

VdE | Assistente de Logística | Norwegian Refugee Council


  • Ensure adherence to NRC policies, handbooks, guidelines, SOP’s and donor requirements
  • Implement delegated Fleet functions portfolio according to Plan of Action
  • Conduct and follow up daily fleet activities
  • Support the administration of fleet resources so that deliverables are achieved within set budgets, timelines and standards
  • Prepare reports as required by management
  • Ensure proper filing of all fleet documents
  • Perform other duties, as assigned by Line Manager

Vagas Mais Procuradas

VdE | Candidatura Espontânea | ATITTUDE

VdE | Assistente Administrativo(a) / Recepcionista

VdE - Faça Parte do Nosso Grupo de Vagas no WhatsApp

URGENTE! Envie sua Candidatura Espontânea a PEP para Moçambique 2025 – Candidate-se Agora!

VdE | 365 Vagas Abertas no Instituto Nacional de Segurança Social

VdE | Secretária Executiva | Acutrex AS, Lda

VdE | Secretaria | DIVINA CASA

VdE | Secretária Executiva

VdE | 61 Vagas de Estágio na TotalEnergies - Wise

Mais de 131 Vagas publicadas durante a semana (04/04 a 09/04/2022)