VdE | 14 Vagas na Embaixada dos Estados Unidos em Moçambique
Job Opportunities at the US Embassy in Maputo, Mozambique
The US Embassy in Maputo, Mozambique is currently accepting applications for various positions. If you are an eligible and qualified candidate, we encourage you to apply. Please find the details of the available positions below:

Atenção ao formato das datas. As datas estão no formato mês, dia, ano. Assim sendo, a data desta publicação, todas as vagas estão dentro do prazo.
Public Health Administrative Management Assistant (Assistente de Gestão Administrativa de Saúde Pública)
- Salary: $31,826 per year
- Series/Grade: LE - 0540 - 8
- Agency: Embassy Maputo
- Location: Maputo, MZ
- Close Date: 07/20/2023
Public Health Specialist HRH (Especialista em Recursos Humanos para Saúde Pública)
- Salary: $59,111 per year
- Series/Grade: LE - 0550 - 11
- Agency: Embassy Maputo
- Location: Maputo, MZ
- Close Date: 07/20/2023
Lead Maintenance Technician (Técnico de Manutenção Líder)
- Salary: $31,826 per year
- Series/Grade: LE - 1210 - 8
- Agency: Embassy Maputo
- Location: Maputo, MZ
- Close Date: 07/25/2023
Lead Maintenance Technician (Substitution of experience for education) (Técnico de Manutenção Líder - Substituição de Experiência por Educação)
- Salary: $31,826 per year
- Series/Grade: LE - 1210 - 8
- Agency: Embassy Maputo
- Location: Maputo, MZ
- Close Date: 07/25/2023
Public Health Specialist (Especialista em Saúde Pública)
- Salary: $59,111 per year
- Series/Grade: LE - 0550 - 11
- Agency: Embassy Maputo
- Location: Maputo, MZ
- Close Date: 07/28/2023
Public Health Specialist (Surveillance) (Especialista em Saúde Pública - Vigilância)
- Salary: $59,111 per year
- Series/Grade: LE - 0550 - 11
- Agency: Embassy Maputo
- Location: Maputo, MZ
- Close Date: 07/28/2023
Public Health Administrative Specialist (Especialista Administrativo de Saúde Pública)
- Salary: $59,111 per year
- Series/Grade: LE - 0540 - 11
- Agency: Embassy Maputo
- Location: Maputo, MZ
- Close Date: 08/14/2023
Public Health Specialist (Surveillance) (Maternal and Infant Health Team Lead) (Especialista em Saúde Pública - Vigilância (Coordenador da Equipe de Saúde Materno-Infantil))
- Salary: $77,642 per year
- Series/Grade: LE - 0550 - 12
- Agency: Embassy Maputo
- Location: Maputo, MZ
- Close Date: 08/14/2023
Regional Security Office - Office Management Assistant (Assistente de Gerenciamento de Escritório - Escritório da Segurança Regional) - USEFMs Only
- Salary: $36,195 - $36,195 per year
- Series/Grade: FP - 0120 - 8
- Agency: Embassy Maputo
- Location: Maputo, MZ
- Close Date: 09/07/2023
Administrative Management Assistant (Assistente de Gestão Administrativa)
- Salary: $40,488 per year
- Series/Grade: FP - 0105 - 7
- Agency: Embassy Maputo
- Location: Maputo, MZ
- Close Date: 09/30/2023
Human Resources Assistant (Assistente de Recursos Humanos)
- Salary: $45,290 - $45,290 per year
- Series/Grade: FP - 0305 - 6
- Agency: Embassy Maputo
- Location: Maputo, MZ
- Close Date: 09/30/2023
Political-Economic Assistant (Assistente Político-Econômico) - USEFMs Only (Substituting Experience for Education)
- Salary: $36,195 - $36,195 per year
- Series/Grade: FP - 0105 - 8
- Agency: Embassy Maputo
- Location: Maputo, MZ
- Close Date: 09/30/2023
Plumber (Canalizador)
- Salary: $22,623 per year
- Series/Grade: LE - 1210 - 6
- Agency: Embassy Maputo
- Location: Maputo, MZ
- Close Date: 10/01/2023
Plumber (Canalizador)
- Salary: $22,623 per year
- Series/Grade: LE - 1210 - 6
- Agency: Embassy Maputo
- Location: Maputo, MZ
- Close Date: 10/01/2023
To apply for any of the positions listed above, please visit our website and follow the instructions provided in the respective announcement numbers. Please note that the close dates for applications vary for each position.
The US Embassy in Maputo/Mozambique is an equal opportunity employer, seeking individuals who are dedicated to making a positive impact in their community and the world. Join us in our mission and apply today!