Vagas por Província

VdE | Gerente de Risco de Crédito | ATITTUDE


1. Formalization of all credit approval, monitoring, collections and arrears management activities for
the country, including: establishment of credit underwriting policy covering all lending activities

2. Establishment of the risk appetite and the development of a set of Key Risk Indicators to monitor
and report risk levels against tolerance thresholds

3. Development and implementation of specific credit policies by lending product and the related
procedures and controls

4. Development and coordination of daily / weekly / monthly / and other periodic actions and
related reporting

5. Management of compliance with set policies and procedures

6. Develop monthly reporting templates that provide insights on the credit department activities and
compliance to set policies and procedures

7. Monitor and reporting on the country collections status

8. Review and reporting on the country management of arrears and on compliance with technical
and administrative arrears

9. Investigate, analyze and making recommendations for write-offs.

10.Advise on best practice on the collections and tracing procedures

11.Review and making recommendations on the in country control and management of the debtor’s
book and cash flow through collections and payouts

12.Review to ensure the appropriate procedures have been followed regarding all provisions and

13. Review and report on the management and control of aging accounts and bad debts collection
actions that will ensure economic recovery and minimization of losses


Vagas Mais Procuradas

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VdE | 02 Conselheiros para Meios de Vida | VSO

VdE - Faça Parte do Nosso Grupo de Vagas no WhatsApp

VdE | Analista e Digitador de dados | AMASI - Associação de Educadores dos Consumidores de Água

VdE | Candidatura Espontânea a Bayport Financial Services Moçambique

VdE | 05 Monitores de Campo | World Vision

VdE | Digitador e Analista de Dados | AMASI

VdE | PPM Supply | Cervejas de Moçambique

VdE | Gestor Admin | Solidarites

VdE | Supervisor de Frota e Segurança | Cervejas de Moçambique