Vagas por Província

VdE | Programa de Graduados da Vodacom Mocambique


Are you a young dreamer, determined, inspired and looking for an opportunity to impact people's lives with your work?
Our graduate program, aimed at training the future leaders of our organization, is back.

If you are 28 years old or younger and have a degree in information technology, finance, logistics, management, human resources or law don't miss out on the opportunity to create the future in the largest fintech company in Mozambique.

We offer expert guidance to help you develop valuable skills for the professional environment.

With our learning and development platforms, you have the opportunity to unlock endless possibilities for growth.


  • Mozambican nationality.
  • Recent graduate (Higher Education) in the areas of Information Technologies, Finance, Logistics, Management, Human Resources and Law;
  • Age up to 28 years;
  • Fluent in Portuguese with good understanding of the English language;
  • Minimum academic records of 14;
  • Professional experience up to 1 year.



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