Vagas por Província

VdE | Gerente da Área de Confiabilidade e Integridade CP | SASOL


Job Title: Reliability and Integrity Area Manager CP


Ref no: 110622


Closing Date: 13 July 2022


Org Structure No:




Energy Business


Business Unit:

EBU: Gas Sourcing & Ops


City / Town:



Short Description/ Purpose of Job

To lead PPA & PSA  reliability and integrity team, provide technical support and expertise in the areas of reliability and integrity: drive the entire PPA & PSA  reliability and integrity critical processes; analysis, assessments, integrity repairs, quality assurance, , data analysis, management, data integration review, lead integrity project optimization, and plan and budget with risk  and facilitate the implementation of reliability and integrity management programs.


Recruitment Description/ Key Accountabilities

Review, assessment, and update of integrity management and inspection data, and develop projects' strategy documentation and risk assessments.

Own reliability and integrity team and:

  • Development of budget and provide assurance on technical delivery and cost management including forecasting.
  • Ensure compliance to the Pressure Equipment Regulations (PER), Health and Safety Standards, and corporate requirements (including PSM and Insurer requirements).
  • Ensure specify repair and monitoring scope and methods to ensure efficient operations of equipment.
  • Verify FFS assessments, designs, and other engineering reports from other team members.
  • Assist Area Managers and GMR 2. (1) with specific tasks, projects, and investigations activities.
  • Evaluate legal documentation, make recommendations, and participate in the development of legislation and national standards.
  • Manage service providers, providing engineering assessments, recommend equipment life extension projects, and execute or participate in in-depth assessments.
  • Coordinate interface or design authorities that perform FFS evaluations.

Lead reliability and integrity team and:

  • Provide effective technical advice to the inspection team, ensuring threats are evaluated, procedures are followed, and work is completed in accordance with the company's technical procedures.
  • Perform root cause analysis and failure investigation on systems and equipment, as required. Design needed solutions and implement them effectively.
  • Perform effective review of inspection data, results trending and remnant life assessments, perform non-destructive testing or other tests of pressure equipment, and provide recommendations for repair and replacement methodologies.
  • Perform, manage, or assist with evaluations for equipment integrity after OWAP/IOW excursions, damage, etc.
  • Investigate and recommend improvement with regards to degraded of equipment to ensure safe operation.
  • Contribute to the risk assessments and RBI studies of complex equipment, including facilitation of unmitigated/initial risk assessments.
  • Repair, replace, monitor the performance of degraded equipment, and provide inputs related to risk assessments.
  • Ensure recommend inspections and/or NDT for high consequence equipment is adhered / are has per desired standers.
  • Execute specific inspection related projects in conjunction with responsible plant personnel.
  • Use critical evaluation and assessment approaches to validate field data, input data, result of assessment, related legislations, and any other information used.

Be frontline of the reliability and integrity team, support customers and Inspection team with the development of inspection strategies.

Give guidance and direction to Sasol Group with regard to the development of new inspection techniques and failure mechanisms.


Formal Education


University Bacherlor's Degree in Mechanical, Electrical, Instrument, Computer Science engineering 


Min Experience


8+ relevant years in reliability or integrity field 



Business Acumen: An intuitive and applicable understanding of how a company or unit makes money.  Displays a thorough understanding of what drives profitability.  Maintains a market-focused approach to business.  Keeps an overall big picture understanding of the business and its interrelationships enabling a person to make better business decisions.  The ability to make good business judgments and quick decisions in a manner that is likely to lead to a good outcome.

Compliance: Understanding the rules, regulations, sanctions and other statutory requirements, guidelines and instructions relating to governing bodies and organizations, both internally and externally.

Critical reasoning: The action of critically thinking about something in a logical, sensible way and taking all factors into consideration.

Customer Focus: A continuing focus on the needs and requirements of customers and clients, anticipating their needs, remaining sensitive to customers while performing services for them, responsive to customer needs.

Risk Management: The process of measuring or assessing risk and then developing strategies to manage the risk.  Strategies employed may include transferring the risk to another party, avoiding the risk, reducing the negative effect of the risk, and accepting some or all the consequences of a particular risk.

Self-Mastery: Takes accountability for driving own growth through developing self-awareness, reflecting, seeking feedback and self-correcting

Tech Savvy: Knowledge of the Information Technology Industry including trends, emerging technology, best practices, competition, regulations, and legislation.


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