Vagas por Província

VdE | Especialista em Gerencia e Logística | Sasol Moçambique


Job Title: Specialist Maputo Office Management & Logistic


Ref no:  108124


Closing Date: 22 April 2022


Org Structure No:



Energy Business


Business Unit:

EBU: Gas Sourcing & Ops


City / Town:



Short Description/ Purpose of Job

Manage office administration, logistics and transportation activities


Recruitment Description/ Key Accountabilities

General administration support

Ensure all office administration activities are executed safely and seamlessly, including correspondence Management and procurement and management of small office services (cleaning, office supplies, kitchen supplies, etc.)

Manage all key support staff in the office, such as receptionists, secretaries / assistants, drivers and other support staff

Ensure all logistic activities (safe transportation of staff and materials) are executed

Ensure that all office assets are properly registered and kept updated.

Establish standard operating procedures and guidelines and monitor the compliance to these standards for management of key office administration activities in Maputo

Determine work priorities, assign adequate staff, and oversee all physical movements of property.

Act as a cultural ambassador, creating interactions that foster learning and experimentation.


Minimum Qualifications and Experience:

University Bachelor's Degree
6 + relevant years



  • Business Acumen: An intuitive and applicable understanding of how a company or unit makes money.  Displays a thorough understanding of what drives profitability.  Maintains a market-focused approach to business.  Keeps an overall big picture understanding of the business and its interrelationships enabling a person to make better business decisions.  The ability to make good business judgments and quick decisions in a manner that is likely to lead to a good outcome.
  • Continuous Process Improvement: The methodology followed for increasing the effectiveness and/or efficiency of a business process, often through automation.
  • Integration: The consolidated view with various parts, circumstances, legislation, landscapes or aspects linked or coordinated.
  • Problem Solving: Is a step-by-step process of defining a problem, searching for information, and testing a series of solutions until the problem is solved. In involves critical thinking, analysis and persistence.
  • Relationship Management: The conscious aim to develop and manage long-term and/or trusting relationships with internal or external customers, distributors, suppliers, or other parties in an environment which can include marketing, selling, servicing and other areas where a relationship is crucial to on-going success.  At a senior level, it includes C-level relationships with senior management such as CEO [Chief Executive Officer], CIO [Chief Information Officer], and CFO [Chief Financial Officer].
  • Self-Mastery: Takes accountability for driving own growth through developing self-awareness, reflecting, seeking  feedback and self-correcting

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