Vagas por Província

VdE | Estagiário | Vodacom Moçambique

Descrição Da Vaga


  • This position is for a fixed term of 1 year (non renewable),
  • In line with our change the face of Technology initiative, only female applicants will be considered.
  • Two positions are available for this role.
Role purpose: Assist the company on developing and maintaining strategies and improve the capability to respond to technologic incidents and disruptions, including full site loss, in order to recover inside the predefined time with the lowest impact to the customer.

Key accountabilities and decision ownership
• Ensure achievement of service level target (SLT) in case of full site loss.
• Evaluate and determine if changes made to the networks impact the service level target, and where necessary c
reate action plans to mitigate the risk of not meeting the SLT
• Ensure all documentation related to the site recovery is updated and centrally located, ensuring availability for the event of a site failover;
• Guarantee periodic site end-to-end failover tests performed and respective reports completed and shared with relevant stakeholders, including action plan where applicable.
• Chair bi-weekly workshops to ensure all WBS’s and TR’s are complied.

Core competencies, knowledge and experience
• Knowledge of Resilience Risk Management for Telecommunication and Banking industry ;
• Good understanding of the telecommunication technologies, functionalities and interdependencies for service delivery;
• Capacity to influence top management decision making;
• Work under pressure and in catastrophes.

Must have technical / professional qualifications
• Degree in Business Management/Information Technology/telecommunication technologies/ equivalent;
• MS Office (Word; Excel; PowerPoint; SharePoint Access; Visio);

Key performance indicators
• Technology areas being capable of responding to incidents affecting their systems (isolated and aggregated) within the pre-defined timelines with the lowest impact to the customer;

Local: Maputo

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