Vagas por Província

VdE | Estudante Universitário Voluntário | Global Youth Aspiration Program

 The GYAP Volunteers. GYAP YOUTH FORUM  HUb Program (GYFP) creates unique opportunities university student to participate in rigorous skills and Experience development program. Matching aspiring youth leaders  from different universities to the real life labour  makert . Volunteers Will participate in an incentive 3 week training program.

They will have the exceptional opportunity to participate in rigorous skills development and amplify their perspective on the labour market.

Key Program Features:

• Professional experience:  volunteerswill work on Global Youth Aspiration Program . They will have the opportunity to contribute and learn key concepts in Project development , Research, critical thinking, time management. Throughout the program volunteers will have the opportunity to learn how to create thier own projects.

• Capacity building: volunteers will receive a one-week technical  training at the start of the program, including training on Team work, self management, active learning , stress tolerance , creativity and flexibility. Through their work  volunteers will enhance their ability to adapt to the current labour makert.

• Labour makert insights: volunters will  have the opportunity to learn  from experienced mentors in areas such  content creation, social media management, digital  marketing.

  • Certificate of participation
  • Greater understanding of the labour market
  • Development skills and abilities
  • Gain key insights to project development

1. Be a university student between the ages of 18-30
2. Be to be flexible
3. Able to to commit 2 hours a day
4. Be able to attend weekly meetings
5.Be creative , passionate
6. Be open to learning.

Application deadline: 18th April 2021

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