Vaga de Emprego - Portuguese Speakers | Remote Transcribers - TransPerfect

Estamos procurando falantes de várias línguas para se juntarem à nossa rede mundial, para trabalhar em uma variedade de projetos e trabalhos de tradução, para desenvolvimento e melhoria da nossa Inteligência Artificial.

We are looking for speakers of various languages to join our worldwide network of workers to work on a variety of innovative and interesting projects and jobs to improve Artificial Intelligence (i.e. as speech or text recognition, input methods, keyboard/swipe technology or other areas of human-machine interaction).

Position responsibilities:

As Transcriber, you will perform some or all of the following tasks: 

  • Transcription of content (Create written records of audio, images and video recordings)
  • Data labeling according to defined criteria. 
  • Data classification.
  • Grading and evaluation of linguistic content.

This job requires a high level of independence, adaptation, and accuracy. Love to detail helps succeed in this role!

Essential skills and experience required:

  • Are of legal age (18+).
  • Great reading and comprehension skills in English.
  • Ability to meet daily KPI’s.
  • Availability to work from home.
  • Must have a valid work permit for the country you live in.
  • Ability to understand and implement feedback.
  • Find comfort in detail-oriented work.

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