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VdE | Diretor de Aquisição e MEAL | Solidar Suisse


The Solidar Suisse is hiring MEAL and Acquisition Officer, for Chimoio in Manica.


Solidar Suisse is committed to decent work and democratic participation in the poorest countries of Africa and Latin America, as well as in countries of Eastern Europe and Asia. We also provide disaster relief and humanitarian aid. Solidar Suisse is a Swiss based organization active in Mozambique since 37 years. It has its main office in Chimoio (Manica province) and is working mainly in the central region (provinces of Manica, Sofala, Tete, Zambezia). Solidar Suisse Mozambique focusses on three main domains 1. Economy and Work; 2. Democracy and Civil Society, and 3. Disasters and Crisis.

Aim and objectives of the fuction

MEAL – (monitoring, evaluation, accountability, learning and KM – knowledge management) Officer:

Is in charge of all matters concerning the monitoring, evaluation, accountability, learning and the knowledge management related to all three Domains of Solidar according to the Strategy 2024 and the related Programme for Southern Africa. She/He assures that the institution is a learning institution continuously improving the monitoring, the standards, the procedures, the approaches and the instruments in place for the different projects. She/He assures the KM and coordinates closely with the Communication officer for the internal learning. She/He is in charge of the Solidar Moz. compliance responsible for organizing the compliance mechanisms (complain lines and follow up). She/He is an active member of the Monitoring Consultation Group from the HQ in Switzerland.

Acquisition Officer: Supervise and guide the procedures and tasks for an effective local acquisition (resource mobilizing) approach of the Solidar Office in Mozambique. Be the focal point for innovation and the related processes at the Solidar Suisse office.

Deputy function: is the deputy of the Security and Communication Officer.

Responsibilities and key tasks

The MEAL and KM Officer is responsible for those tasks delegated by the Coord. Rep. to her:

Key tasks MEAL (monitoring, evaluation, accountability, learning):

  • Provide technical leadership and support to project staff and partners for the planning, the implementation and the monitoring of the project activities;
  • Implement the logic framework of the MEAL to monitor results of development and humanitarian programs. Assist in establishing base lines, data collection and information for defining concept notes and the reporting on projects;
  • Maintain the tools FOI (Focus on Outcome Indicators) for tracking existing indicators; develop additional databases and follow-up tools as needed to demonstrate the effectiveness of project interventions and ensure alignment of MEAL activities with the objectives of the programme;
  • Assist the decision making on data-based and results reports;
  • Contribute to the development of annual work plans to identify the objectives of the project and ensure the inclusion of M&E activities;
  • Implement the MEAL system and tools, data collection, information management and reports. Collect M&E information periodically and assist in writing monitoring reports;
  • Conduct field visits for data collection and validation and to monitor the quality and integrity of datasets. Ensure timely compilation and communication of data. Capture and document lessons learned; and advocate the scale of best practices;
  • Elaborate with Programme and Project responsible persons key documents on standards, procedures and instruments in the three Domains (1. Economy and work; 2. Democracy and Civil Society, 3. Disasters and crisis) and the related projects;
  • Assist in the planning of the yearly internal and external evaluation;
  • Is an active member of the Monitoring Consultation Group from the HQ in Switzerland and participates to the regular online or presential meetings organized by the MEAL responsible person at the HQ.

Key tasks KM (Knowledge Management):

  • Support the promotion of a culture of knowledge sharing and organizational learning within the Organization;
  • Support the development and implementation of policies, procedures and standards of Knowledge Management;
  • Identify and disseminate relevant communities of practice, knowledge networks and collaboration platforms;
  • Establish the Knowledge Management strategy and work programme in collaboration with relevant staff;
  • Conduct knowledge internal or external audits to identify and map gaps in knowledge and user needs and develop specifications for responsive solutions, tools and initiatives;
  • In collaboration with relevant staff, design and maintain a system for the classification and management of the content of project information systems and platforms (including the website, clearing boards, portals and virtual/digital library) based on standards recognized by Solidar Suisse;
  • Coordinate the creation, organization, management and preservation of digital file records in accordance with Solidar Suisse requirements and standards and facilitates their accessibility for internal and external use;
  • Provide training and guidance to Solidar Suisse staff, project partners, and other stakeholders to enable them to share knowledge and access and retrieve information effectively through existing systems;
  • Organize adequate data collection and management related to the result-based approaches and defined key topics for each project;
  • Organize and structure the reporting at all levels and for all partners.

Key tasks Acquisition

  • Supervise and guide the procedures and tasks for an effective local acquisition (resource mobilizing) approach of the Solidar Office in Mozambique;
  • Stay informed about ongoing funding initiatives (tender, calls etc);
  • Guide the elaboration of project proposals (or tender procedure);
  • Supervise the procedures, internal deadlines for the elaboration of the requested documents (project proposal, log frame, budget etc.);
  • Assist the Country Rep in organizing the contacts and relevant information’s and documentation toward potential donors;
  • Collaborate with the responsible Communication Officer the elaboration of the necessary documentation and material for visibility (reports, fact sheets and web-based information);
  • Be the focal point for innovation and quality management.

Key tasks compliance and complain mechanism:

  • Assure that the compliance and complain mechanism of the Solidar Suisse office is in place and known by stakeholders and partners;
  • Gather the complains and assure a proper follow up with the involved departments;
  • Provide a monthly update and list on complains and compliance to the Solidar management;
  • Train the staff on the compliance standards.

Coordination tasks within the Solidar office

  • Assists mainly the Programme Department in the PCM of the projects. This concerns the elaboration of baseline studies and the results based management. She will assist the project officers in the elaboration and formulation of key documents (Project Document, logframes, reports etc.);
  • Assures efficient and continuous coordination with all Departments (Programme, Finances+HR, Support+Logistics) and provides support for all what concern’s MEAL and Acquisition;
  • Being a member of the Solidar Suisse management team in Chimoio representing MEAL, Acquisition and Innovation;
  • Be the focal point within the NEXUS working group for resource mobilization, innovation and visibility.

Special tasks according to instructions

  • Take on special tasks (e.g. focus person) according to the instructions of Coord. Rep or HQ;
  • In the event of a major and extraordinary disaster in Mozambique or region, the job holder can be instructed to suspend regular work in accordance with the specifications and assignments given by the Coord. Rep. The job holder will be part of the Solidar Crisis Management;
  • Performs instructed tasks. The length of time for use in the Disaster or Emergency relief and subordination during this time will be determined ad hoc.

Financial responsibilities

  • Prepares annual budget in collaboration with the Coord. Rep. and the Finance+HR department for all topics related to MEAL and KM;
  • Participates in internal and external Audits on request and follows up specific recommendations.


  • To enter into financial commitments and to sign documents within the given financial competences;
  • To represent the Solidar externally within the scope of the area of responsibility.


  • University degree or equivalent experience preferably in a related field (Social Sciences, Disaster Management, Development Studies);
  • Minimum 5 years of working experience in international NGOs;
  • Experience with Development and Humanitarian Aid programs as an added value;
  • Experience in working with international donors (WB, UN, EU, etc.);
  • Proven ability of working in close collaboration with multiple stakeholders;
  • Proven project planning skills including assessments, project proposal development, logical framework and report writing including experience with Monitoring and Evaluation tools and international standards;
  • Proven communication skills including the ability to effectively motivate people and to diplomatically manage the relationship with local partners, different authorities and donors.

How to Apply

Interested candidates are requested to submit their applications with 3 references with the title “MEAL Acquisition Officer” to the email address:


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