Vagas por Província

VdE | Gerente de relações comerciais | Absa Group


Bring your possibility to life! Define your career with us

With over 100 years of rich history and strongly positioned as a local bank with regional and international expertise, a career with our family offers the opportunity to be part of this exciting growth journey, to reset our future and shape our destiny as a proudly African group.

Job Summary

To plan, manage and monitor the implementation of activities and processes for stakeholder and relationship management, in order to deliver on approved operational plans in an effective and efficient manner. Selecting this role has a compensation & benefit impact in Mozambique. Please contact Reward for details.

Job Description

Manage Service Level Agreements and Customer Management: Build and maintain strong relationships with internal and external stakeholders. Remain at the forefront of change within stakeholders by continuously engaging with these stakeholders | People Management: Ensure performance of the team through people management practices | Portfolio Management: Support business in the management of portfolio and/or client/ customer needs | Risk Management: Ensure all Absa policies, procedures and activities required for areas documented and understood by all members of the various team and/or business areas | : | : | : | :


Bachelor`s Degrees and Advanced Diplomas: Business, Commerce and Management Studies (Required)


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