VdE | Parceiro de Negócios de Vendas | Nepce Mozambique
Vacancie: Sales Business Partner
If your passionate with Sales, Marketing with good negotiation skills, you have an ability too deal with high profile customers and you are prepared to join a dynamic team this position is for you:
§ Ability to manage, lead and motivate the team in order to deliver their best.
§ Effective communication with both stakeholders internal and external.
§ Cultivate the culture that leads to excellent customer service.
§ Design and implement the operational strategic planning to drive sales and margin.
§ Design marketing strategies to attract customer feet and develop the brand awareness.
§ Conduct market research and SWOT analysis.
§ Inventory management (Manage stock levels and apply FIFO).
§ Manage the procurement process and ensure stock availability at all times.
§ The ability to manage sales, margins and volumes.
Build solid customer data base that supports the strategic planning
§ This position is intended for someone whom is willing to join a start-up and grow with it, the ideal candidate is expected to drive the business from all angles.
Salary based commission.
If interested please submit your CV and cover latter to recruit.nepce@gmail.com no later than 30th March 2021.